Course Summary

Train Your Brain - Course Leader

Unit 1

The Six Thinking Hats is a tool developed by Edward de Bono to ensure that group and individual thinking occurs in a detailed and cohesive way. Based on his theory that brains think in six different directions, the “Hats” direct people’s thinking in a more organised and balanced way. It is a useful concept for every individual to check if their own thinking and responding includes all possible aspects.

Unit 2

This Unit covers the Six Thinking Hats in more detail and provides some real life examples and some activities to put theory into practice.

Unit 3

Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences theory has now become a part of most teachers’ toolkit.  It is based on the concept that our abilities are not always reflected by a simple IQ test and that people have different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning. Some of us are language oriented while others are numerically oriented. Some have better interpersonal skills while others have good spatial awareness. Knowing these strengths and weaknesses can help us to learn better.

Unit 4

Your brain needs exercising just as your body does and, in fact, the two are inter-twined. Physical exercise will improve your brain, as will specific mental exercises.  Try some of the exercises recommended in this Unit.

Unit 5

Every human being thinks – it’s part of what makes us human – but do you think critically?  In this Unit we look at critical thinking skills and how they can be used in everyday life.

Unit 6

A Mixed Bag – about your memory - forgetfulness, Googling, tricks for remembering. Some practical suggestions for improving memory.

Unit 7

SWOT analysis, Mind Maps, Brainstorming, Venn Diagrams – they are all currently used in business and professions but they can also assist in everyday life.

Unit 8

More interesting methods for brain training, including number/rhyme method, association, story method, journey method, the Roman Room technique and more.

catch up week

catch up week

catch up week

catch up week