Study on Emotion and Wellbeing

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Senior participants wanted for a study on emotion and wellbeing

I am a PhD student in the Department of Psychology and as part of my research I am looking for volunteers age 40 years old and above to take part in an online study exploring the relationship between emotional responses and psychological wellbeing. Our group has recently been working on quality of life and mental health in people with chronic illness and we’d like to extend this work to general population as our controls.

The study involves filling out a series of questionnaires and will take approximately 10 minutes. All responses are anonymous and will be treated confidentially.

If you are interested in taking part in the research, please use the following link to access the study pages, find out more information and to take part:

The study is password-protected and you will need the following password to log in: wellbeing

Thanks, your participation is very much appreciated.


On 22/01/2014 14:51, Psychology Research Ethics Application Management System wrote:

Your submission to the Department of Psychology Ethics Sub-Committee (DESC) entitled "Examining the role of self-disgust in depression among cancer patients: a quantitative investigation" has now been reviewed. The committee believed that your methods and procedures conformed to University and BPS Guidelines.

I am therefore pleased to inform you that the ethics of your research are approved. You may now commence the empirical work.

Yours sincerely,
Prof Richard Crisp
Chair, DESC