We acknowledge our dedicated band of volunteers without whom U3A Online could not operate. We have no paid staff – volunteers carry out all management, administrative and developmental activities.
U3A Online began in 1998 as a project funded by the Australian Government to celebrate the 1999 International Year of Older Persons. The project received two subsequent years of funding, provided through the Australian Government Ministers for Education and Aged Care and their Departments of Education, Science and Training and Health and Aged Care respectively. We acknowledge this generous and visionary Australian Government support.
We acknowledge the very considerable in-kind support provided by Griffith University as part of its Community Service Program. Without that support in the early years we could not have continued. Our website was freely hosted on the Griffith University server up until 2017.
We also acknowledge the considerable assistance we received in the early formative years by Adult Learning Australia Inc, the peak body in Australia for Adult and Community Education, and Chirp Internet.