Course Summary

Storytelling with Pictures

Start up Week

This week we will become familiar U3A Online (the program used to support the course) and become comfortable with using it, introduce ourselves briefly, and download and practice using the image resizing program we need. This is very simple to do even if you have not downloaded a program previously.

Unit 1

During this week we will form a plan which will make our project easily workable, consider how we are going to store the material that we will be using. We will peek inside Word and locate the commands which allow us to manipulate photographs and texts and decide how we are going to present our finished stories. And we will practice combining a photo and some text as well as designing and printing our own template so all our work has a uniform appearance.

Unit 2

This unit looks at the tools (some memory joggers) we can use to write interesting stories about a person or a group of persons in a photograph. It will introduce you to "freewriting" a technique used to gather information as the basis of a story.And we will write a story about the photo we have chosen. And you will have the opportunity to use another of your photos in two exercises.

Unit 3

This week we will look at the use the six senses Smell, Sound. Sight, Taste, Touch and Emotion to help us write the story. But this time in relation to inanimate object or a scene. And we will have the opportunity to use our imagination and fire up our memory bank.


Unit 4

This unit will bring at least two people into a story you will write story (or possibly two pictures of the same person) and give the opportunity to combine the tools in Units two and three to produce a interesting tale.

Unit 5

Very often it helps the reader to understand a photograph if they have an idea of where the picture was taken especially of older relatives or events in another land and we will look at the value of doing this in this unit. It also gives the opportunity to go out and take a new photograph, use all that we have learned and write a story about it.

Unit 6

This is our revision week and a chance to follow up any outstanding queries which have arisen during the course. We will finish an exercise begun in Unit Five and the final exercise will be one in which you can do your own thing using your memory imagination and any techniques you have gained from the course.