Course Summary

Online Latin

In this unit you should learn how to love, inhabit a dwelling and how to hurry them both

In this unit you should learn what the "case" is for learning Latin

Now we start to create sentences, and to work out what on earth those ancients were on about.

Be sure to Download the References Unit 3 if you do not have the book.

Now we will have a mother, a father, a son, and a slave....Life is getting interesting in Pompeii

Be sure to download the References Unit 4 if you do not have the text

a look at where some words in English came from and more  Declensions

Be sure to down load the References for Unit 5 if you do not have the book.  If you have the book that will be on pages 16-19

In this unit you can learn the many ways that Romans could warn each other of impending danger.

If you do not have the text please download the References Unit 6 from above.

Now we look to creating beauty and how to Rule in the Roman manner.

If you do not have a copy of the Text please download the References for Unit 7 from the above.

coming to grips with the verb "to be."

If you do not have the text you can down load the appropriate pages in References Unit 8 above.