About Seniors
Helpful information about all things relating to Seniors.
Age UK
Supports people over 50 in the UK, to ensure that they get the most from life.
Aged Care Australia
Help with health, carers, nursing homes and staying in your own home.
Australian Government Services
All you need to know about Commonwealth government services.
Australian Government web site for Seniors
This is the Australian Government's premier source of information for Australians over 50. It provides a single point of access to Government and non-Government information and services for older Australians.
Carers Australia
National peak body representing and promoting the needs and interests of carers. Provides links to State carers organizations.
The prime objective of COTA Australia is to promote, improve and protect the circumstances and wellbeing of older people in Australia. Their work draws on views of today’s seniors and on concerns for future generations of Australians.
The website has links to COTA websites in every State/Territory. These sites outline the programs and policy objectives each regional COTA has in place.
eCentreClinic - Research Program
A research program developing internet-delivered education and treatment courses targeting symptoms of anxiety, depression, and pain. Our aim is to build and evaluate courses which facilitate quality of life, while teaching practical skills that help people to stay well. In the last four years we have completed 24 clinical trials with more than 1600 Australian adults. We have recently partnered with beyondblue to build online courses for older adults. We have just completed two pilot studies, targeting symptoms of anxiety and depression, with very encouraging results. In late August we will be running larger clinical trials of similar courses. In mid 2012 these courses will then become available from our website for the public, but first we need to carefully evaluate them. My team and I believe these courses have enormous potential for helping people overcome disabling symptoms, and then staying well.
For Age Network
Forage for later life learning. Building on European Experience
Provides up-to-date quality assessed information on important health topics.
Housing and Mortgages for Seniors
Purpose of this guide: This guide will help seniors of all ages to understand some of the options open to them and precautions that they should take when it comes to owning a home, downsizing, paying a mortgage, taking out a reverse mortgage, and selling property.
Indigenous Community Volunteers
Indigenous Community Volunteers (ICV) is an independent, not-for-profit company that offers support to Indigenous communities to pursue their community development goals in their own way. ICV is making a difference by providing volunteers who can transfer their skills to people in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations. ICV matches skilled volunteers with approved short to medium term projects. Communities and organisations choose the most suitable volunteer for their project. Phone 1800 819 542 (Toll free) Email
National Gallery of Australia
Information, collection, education, events, exhibitions, etc.
NSW Network of U3A
Represents member U3As in New South Wales, Australia
Office of Fair Trading (Queensland)
Offers useful advice for consumers, charities, associations and teachers, plus alerts and scams.
Open Writing
Open Writing Web magazine contains a feast of good reading. New articles are added daily, 365 days a year. OU writers are of all ages, from every Continent. Dozens of articles, stories and poems by members of U3A writing groups in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Britain are stored in our archives. New writers are always welcomed.