Parliamentary Education Office
Parliamentary education services for schools, teachers & students.
A 2019 Guide to Alzheimers and Dementia
This article is interesting but be aware that it is USA based.
Australian Shareholders Association
An independent non-profit association which aims to protect and educate
investors. ASA has a monthly magazine, holds investor meetings in many
locations and offers educational events on a range of investment issues.
Phone 1300 368 448 or email for more information.Category:
Carer Gateway
A Government source (Australian), the Carer Gateway website also has specific information for young carers, older carers, working carers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander carers and culturally and linguistically diverse carers.
Life Circle
At LifeCircle, we believe dying should be discussed openly. This requires delicacy of course, but anyone who has had ‘that conversation’ knows the sense of relief it brings.Talking about dying can also encourage rich and valuable discussion about what really matters in life. It can deepen our relationships.Category:
National Seniors
National Seniors Australia, level 18, 215 Adelaide Street, Brisbane. Qld. 4000 tele 1300 76 50 50 (07) 3233 9191
Safety at Home
Personal and Home Safety advice.
Opening doors to lifelong learning for Seniors in Canada and throughout the world.
Stay Smart Online
The Australian Government’s cybersecurity website provides information for Australian internet users on the simple steps they can take to protect their personal and financial information online.
The Birren Centre
The Birren Center for Autobiographical Studies is dedicated to enriching the lives of adults from diverse backgrounds through writing, sharing, and preserving their life stories and life experiences. The program provides opportunities for education, research and dissemination of information to professionals who are engaged in the fields of autobiography, life review, aging and personal history preservation.
The National Continence Management Strategy
Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing site
U3A Alliance Australia (U3AAA)
The Alliance of State Networks, U3A Online and U3A ACT acting for the benefit of U3As in Australia.