This is not your local U3A website.
Welcome to U3A Online. All U3A Groups are separate, membership of one does not give membership of another.
There are over 240 U3A Groups in Australia and many more around the world. All U3A Online courses are online and there are no venues where you go to be with other people.
This is the website of U3A Online which is a virtual U3A Group where everything is done online
Click on 'Find a U3A' tab on the blue line above to search for your local U3A Group website.
U3A Online is the world-first virtual University of the Third Age delivering online learning via the Internet.
All that's needed to study online is access to a computer, tablet or other device with an Internet connection - and some basic computing skills.
U3A Online is an individual, independent and autonomous U3A.U3A Online offers many other useful resources for older people, especially those who are geographically, physically or socially isolated.
Worried about using the Internet? There are ways to stay safe. Read More
Our courses are open to all older people and disabled younger people anywhere in the world. They are especially suited to older members of the community who are isolated either geographically, or through physical or social circumstances (including carers).
We offer a wide variety of course subjects which can be studied at any level of interest. We aim to provide something for everyone, so our courses may vary in length and depth.
The courses are informal, there are no exams or assignments and no certificates issued. Each course is offered as Independent Study. A number of courses also have a Course Leader, at dates listed on the ‘with leader’ Courses list.
Courses with a Leader:
The chronological list of all up and coming Courses with a Leader is added to as each course becomes available. A course does not appear on the list when it is currently running. Click the course name for a summary of the course.
The course content of our courses is provided by our course writers and does not necessarily reflect
the view of the U3A Online Committee and/or Members.
The U3A Online website provides up-to-date contacts for all U3As that provide their information, as well as facilities for their members to exchange ideas, resources and information about U3A events. The wide range of helpful information, including news items, research reports and links to many interesting websites, will also prove useful to other groups of older people.
So please, explore...
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The daily writing exercises on suggested topics produced a whole lot of writing. The feedback from the tutor and other students was invaluable. Forgotten memories began resurfacing, often prompted by the writing of another student. I now have a much clearer plan in mind for my final publication.